Estimate the construction cost of your property with BMT’s Cost Calc app.
Use BMT’s Construction Cost Calculator to estimate the minimum and maximum range of construction costs for a property. The estimate is based on information about the property such as quality of finish, the property type, estimated year of construction, location and construction area. The estimated costs exclude GST and make an allowance for site works, building margins and basic landscaping.
If a property is being constructed for the purposes of an investment, ensure that depreciation deductions are taken into account once the property becomes income producing. Claiming depreciation deductions can significantly increase an investor’s cash flow.
Learn more about BMT Tax Depreciation:
BMT Tax Depreciation specialise in maximising depreciation deductions for property investors Australia-wide. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) allows investment property owners to claim a deduction related to the building and the 'plant and equipment' assets contained within it. Depreciation can be claimed by any owner of an income producing property. This deduction essentially reduces taxable income for investors – they pay less tax.
Every investment property should have a tax depreciation schedule completed to unlock its full cash flow potential. Property owners could be saving thousands of dollars every year. To learn more about property depreciation or to request a quote visit our website at